It’s just hours before the CAGP National Conference. I’m crazy excited. Several peers have contacted me with the same request, “hey Paul, there is no social media training for planned giving fundraisers on the program, can we talk about it when I see you?” Now, I don’t fault the conference team, this is NOT a required job skill in 2013 for fundraisers or other professionals. But by 2014? Maybe… by 2015? Watch the video below and tell me this is a fad. Respected peers of mine continue to marvel, falsely so, at my social media prowess. It’s a trick! I tell them, I have time saving strategies! They don’t believe me, so the magician is sharing his secrets, all before breakfast.
15 minutes, free resources. Crash course. It’s about time saving, I have a full time job and a family after all. I will prove to you that you can do it. I will teach you 3 ways to make it possible in your work and life. Come to the registration booth, 7:30AM on Thursday April 18. They’ll tell you where it is ( or follow the Twitter team at #CAGP2013 ) tell others please! Non-early risers, you tell me if you want to engage at my Tuesday night event or on Wed/Thurs. I’ll make it work. You’ll always hear me say “I’m at your service”, make me prove it.
If you’re willing, I’m ready.
Bright and early. Paul
May 2 Celebration for UofT Fundraisers
Fundraising is an amazing profession, but it has an odd caveat. The real fundraisers – are invisible. Sure you run the events, you work hard to bring in the money that makes real world-changing research, education, progress … possible. But professional fundraisers know, the recognition belongs to the donors who fund the work and we need to shine the spotlight on the staff of the charity who do the work because they make ideas and hopes for change into reality. Never is that more important than during a campaign and th
e dreaded “fiscal year-end”, and you my UofT peers are right in the thick of both! For those who don’t know, I have a large UofT network, partly because I worked there and partly because I live and breath UofT. It’s where I met most of my friends, my wonderful spouse, found my career and purpose. But we’ve both been so busy we’ve kind of lost touch… so! I remember needing a drink when year-end was done. Why not ring in the fiscal new year together! And by fundraisers I mean the researchers, the admin staff the report and stewardship specialists – we like to say the word team but how often do we
party together? You’re ALL invited. Where else would we gather but the University of Toronto Faculty Club! Now networking is great but in keeping with the “New Year” theme I thought we’d start the year off with some skill building. I’m constantly learning about the future of social business. Well I recently listened to a great talk about “digital productivity”. We’ll have someone present to teach us about the power of taking our notes, digital! I’m a life-long Moleskine fan – and even they have teamed up with the uber-popular Evernote to make this pr
ogress a reality. So on May 2, think about yourself for just a moment dear fundraising colleagues. I’ve made an RSVP online for those who know they’re coming for sure. No pressure though, just drop in! Let’s help you start fiscal 2013/14 with the kind of bang in the video below!
And if you can’t make it, and I can be of any help with your career goals, let me know. I’m always at your service, Paul
Networking at CAGP 2013 Conference
Gift Planners from across the country will soon assemble in Canada’s beautiful capital region for our 20th Anniversary conference!! Many of the country’s best and brightest will soon…..wander the streets and eat dinner alone?!?!
Every year it happens, to newbies and veterans of the profession. You fly in and don’t know who’s in town and end up eating dinner alone the first night when you could be casually getting to know peers do some REAL relationship building – not the stuff done on breaks and over loud lunches at circular tables….. I’m teaming up again with fellow CAGP super-fan, Christina Attard to host not one but TWO networking events. Tuesday April 16 – I’m excited to be co-teaching the CAGP All-In-A-Day Course with the awesome Jill Nelson and the class will be full of great ideas to share with you! We’ll meet in the hotel lobby between 6 and 6:30pm and leave for dinner from there. Not sure where we’ll go, we’ll play it by ear. No RSVP, bring anyone you like ( these are NOT official events so spouses and non-delegates are welcome! Ottawa fundraisers, I’m talking to you! )
. Come late even! Ask for us at the concierge or..tweet us – Are you following the CAGP Twitter team?
@UinvitedU ( that’s me )
@GPTekkie ( that’s Christina ) are team members. The second event? Friday April 19th in the afternoon, touch base or tweet us for details as it forms….last year we had a couple dozen folks come out and it wasn’t just fun, it was on the job valuable learning!
Bottom line is, we came to connect and learn – why not have some fun too! The conference theme is after all: Creating Capital Connections ~ so let’s connect!!! Here’s a fascinating article to start the conversation – an article about the psyche of many fundraisers I know… whether you’re a type-a networking machine or an ambiverted professional you’ll meet someone who does what you do and can help you do it better – that’s why we come to this thing right? RIGHT?! Heck yes. See you there, Paul Nazareth
CAGP 2013 Conference Twitter Team
We’ve been gathering as a Gift Planning professional community for 20 years! A lot has changed since then, the technology of connecting being a big change for sure. Today, there are a lot of benefits to using Twitter at conferences. A lot of ways it can be used to add value to both attendees and sponsors. So! Delegates, sponsors, CAGP members across Canada please join myself and the team in tweeting up and around #CAGP2013 ( the official hashtag ) Not on Twitter? This is your chance to sign up, learn with your peers – I’ll be hosting a private 15 min social-media crash course Thursday morning to help ( details on Twitter of course )
- Follow the main CAGP account: @CAGP_ACPDP
- Leah Eustace @LeahEustace
- Christina Attard @GPTekkie
- Jill Nelson @Nelson_Jill
- Janice St. Denis @Jlstdenis
- Janice Correa @JLBCorrea
- Genane St. Rose @GenaneStR
- Holly Wagg @HollyWagg
- Dawn Marie Schlegel @DawnMarieS
- Renee Beneteau @ReneeBeneteau
- Amanda Stacey @EstatesLaw
- Trina Owens @TrinaOwensSK
- And Me! Paul Nazareth @UinvitedU
Also! For the first time, many of our exhibitors and sponsors are Tweeting so follow the hashtag and say thanks for making the conference possible! Be sure to follow the speakers too! Start learning the lingo here and here’s a superbasic video to get you started! See you IRL in Gatineau! Paul Nazareth