You’ve invested time and your organization has invested in you to come to this conference – why not make the most of it? Here are three unofficial ways to add a little more learning ( and fun ) to this year’s conference experience!
1) Tuesday night (April 8) dinner! Each year a lot of delegates fly in the night before the conference starts. Why wander the streets with a newspaper? Join us for a no-RSVP no-pressure networking dinner! Dress is casual, we’ll meet in the lobby between 6pm and 6:30pm around the concierge. Bring a spouse, bring a friend. Vancouver fundraisers who aren’t attending the conference please come out too! Let’s warm those brains up and start talking shop.
2) 15 minutes of social strategy education! 4:30pm at the registration desk on Wednesday April 9 I’m giving a quick session on how to get started and do more using social media for yourself and your charity or business. I’ll be giving out free resources and there will be prizes!
3) Take a hike eh? If you haven’t heard about my new love of “netwalking” or “networking while walking” it’s fantastic. Fresh air, gets the
brain and conversation going. Co-hosted by local fundraiser ( and internet celebrity curator of the cathartic blog “fundraiser grrl” ) Rory Green! We’ll gather in the lobby at 2:30pm on Friday April 11 and be back for the ‘official’ social event ( which you must go to this year, it’s going to be valuable big-time )
If you use Twitter, we are using #CAGP2014 and have a conference Twitter Team! Find me in the delegate list and email if you have any questions. See you in Vancouver!
Paul Nazareth