
MY PERSONAL MISSION is to help people find purpose, then do THAT as a job.

MY WORK: Every Canadian has a legacy. I work with charities and professional advisors to empower every day people to turn their ideas for a better world into reality.

Connect with me if:
– You are a fundraiser at a charity or work in tax, estate law, finance, insurance, trust or planning.
– You are a board member of a charity that wants to engage more deeply in fundraising
– You are a philanthropist with an idea and want to know more about how to make it real
– You are a professional at a crossroads debating your future career or purpose
– You are looking for a speaker on business networking for your organization
– You are looking for a speaker on career development for your association or school

Lastly, I am also an insatiable reader on the topics of business, leadership, strategy & innovation. Follow me if you want book reviews of this nature.

* I DO NOT accept invitations from strangers. Please tell me where we met or how I can help you achieve your goals. I want to help, tell me how.