Do you LOVE your work? If you don’t is 2013 the year to fall in love again? It’s hard to keep the love alive, I know. 7:30am, Feb 14th I’m hosting an event for my personal network to connect and share why they love their work and for those who aren’t in love with their current work, or not working right now, to gain contacts to help fall in love again! We’ll be at my favourite networking v
enue in Toronto, Marche Brookfield No cost to attend as always, but please come ready to buy breakfast as Marche has so many fantastic options for every taste and is kindly hosting us. Some folks don’t know this amazing venue has undergone a major renovation and is now one of the most versatile venues to hold business events in Toronto – a special tour will be given for those interested. Guests are welcome but this is an event for my established network. No pressure to attend, this is for you in gratitude for keeping in touch – RSVP Here just so we make sure we have space to move around.
As a special bonus, besides meeting great folks I’ll be talking about one of the most useful free networking tools I’ve ever come across to help professionals and job seekers. As always, bring business cards Wearing red is optional. Bring your goals for 2013, bring your challenges and frustrations too! See you soon dear network,
some thoughts on loving what you do and why you want to come network, from the late Steve Jobs… Paul
Nazcorp adds new staff
Yes, we’re expanding our personal corporation… A new baby is born. Gabriel Xavier Nazareth Yes, only Paul would announce his new baby on LinkedIn. But truly, being able to have a family is because of all of you, my network. It bothers me when people say “it’s not personal, it’s business”. Because of my business contacts, I’m able to have a family and another baby, that’s as personal as it gets.
I’m often a private guy, many of my twitter and other contacts don’t even know I have a family. But so many of my business contacts have helped me become a family man, with advice and encouragement. Thought it was only paying networking dividends to share the news. I wrote my wedding proposal at a CAGP conference. Peers have given me the best parenting advice ever and help me to feel better about the challenges of being a parent. Thank you all for your support, well wishes and guidance, With great gratitude, Paul
Golden Crab Award : Paul’s MVPs of Networking 2012
You’ll understand more if you peek at my 2010 and 2011 posts, especially why I named my personal awesome award “the Golden Crab”. I recently wrote about having one’s own “personal board of directors” which is where many of the past GC’s live as do this year’s set. Some are new inductees, some have come off the board since. I really worked hard on this year’s list, it breaks a few of my own rules. It was tough to honestly admit there are no men this year and I thought long and hard about renaming one person….so without further adieu, my MVP’s of networking for 2012:
Clare McDowall? She looks just like the Clare from 2011, but don’t let that fool you. In 2012, Clare raised her own game and it was exciting to be there with her. We collaborated on a session at AFP Fundraising Day as well as other professional adventures. She helped me constantly get outside my comfort zone and delighted me by never giving me a free pass just because we know each other. Most of all, Clare joined my beloved at a critical time in their rebranding and has become a whole new professional, almost a whole new person this year. I’m grateful to be challenged and inspired by someone with such courage. Christina Attard. We have known each other for several years, worked in
the same sector and become friends too. But in 2012, Christina joined my personal board with a vengeance and we became professional running partners, half-way across the country. Whether through twitter, or on websites and skype calls Christina by running her race has pushed me to learn new skills, introduced me to new network connections and made opportunities possible. Most of all, we held each other accountable to goals and made them happen. As such, we are both working our dream jobs and have grown our networks globally in 2012. So much in my professional journey would not have happened if not for Christina. Leah Eustace. One of the critical criteria’s for my personal award is
someone who proactively collaborates with me on networking goals and events. The team at “Good Works”, Fraser Green in particular have been close to my professional network for years. But it was my obsession with ‘social business’ and the entrepreneurial lifestyle that led me to listen and study Leah as a professional. Not only did we get to collaborate several times this year, Leah and her team stepped forward to support networking initiatives of mine big time. Every board needs someone who has their act together, I learned a lot about being a professional and a better human being from Leah this year. She is a peer of incredible emotional intelligence and like last year’s GC John Lepp, she’s a social business leader too. We all need people calling us to our future, to be our best self. Leah was this person for me in 2012. I know, only three people and no men. It’s kind of depressing and feels like a failure on my part because I wasn’t open to and didn’t seek out more collaboration but being honest with myself as my family grows ( my wife and I are having baby number two in a matter of days ) so much some of this stuff is about becoming more strategic with my time. Heck social media means I can be in 100 places at once! Many seeds have been sown in previous years, here are some honourable mentions and those wins: 1) Jon Cheevers and the UofT Alumni team have engaged me for the past
couple years to speak to and host students to teach them about networking at and after University. In 2012 I had the most speaking engagements on campus and it was life-fulfilling to be of value to my beloved alma-mater that gave me life in friendship, a network to rely on and where I met the love of my life, my wife! 2) Emma Jenkin, is a little bit of an introvert. A nerd’s nerd, kind of like Einstein or DaVinci. I’ve never known someone who could be considered a renaissance-woman. But Emma is a bike-riding commie-pinko artist, wit
h a business mind MA and MBA who is also killer with social-media and data who is studying computer-coding while knitting and hiking through the hills of Scotland and scuba diving in the Ocean. She inspired me to not be the suit I wear, hell I’m a published poet and classically-trained violinist who wanted to be a high-school english teacher. I forgot that in pursuit of better leadership and operational skill building I put so much of myself away. If there was a human being who inspired me the most in 2012, it’s Emma. 3) Being a fan of the Humber College Fundraising program led me to join the Advisory Board. But its the students who inspire and push me forward. The class of 2011 really rocked my year: Frankie Chow taught me the secrets of Pinterest, Margaux Smith conquered the commonwealth and watching the careers of so many flourish, Dave, Malinda, Fiona, Mimosa, Sam and so many more. Knowing they are coming up professionally, scares me to keep moving forward outside my comfort zone, and I mean that in the best way.
4) The Authors, this year I met and formed relationships with more busi
ness authors than ever. I met and had some powerful personal conversations with two of the WORLD’s best, Marcus Buckingham and Susan Cain. I got to engage leaders who inspire me like Paul Alofs and was mentioned in a social media guide and submitted content for a book! Never doubt the power of blogs, LinkedIn and Twitter.
5) The big mind-houses in my life. The Humbers, the Hilborns, AFP, Third Sector, Zipcar you invited me in to play and innovate with you. My most humble thanks. Reconnecting with my beloved CAGP has me achieving a life-career-goal in 2013. I could not be
more excited. Lastly, look I know it’s gauche to talk about who you work for, and I won’t mention a name. But I work for a leader, who has redefined my career. I work with a team where we get to do so much good, and the challenges are so intellectually awesome, sometimes I actually feel my brain tingle. I had to go to the doctor at the end of the year because I thought I was sick, but it turned out that the insanely-positive people and work environment has started to actually improve my health by osmosis. I’m not bragging, I want this for YOU dear network. Please remember to keep in touch, share your goals for 2013 with me so together we can get you what you most desire on this earth.
I am forever grateful to this years GC’s, and to you dear network. Remember, it’s not something I say, look at the testimonials on my LinkedIn profile….. I AM at your service, test this promise, let’s get to work for you in 2013. I leave you with a video of how the above people make me feel. Does your network make you feel like this, every day? If not, why not? Let’s do something about it, you and me…. Paul Nazareth
The Advantage–Patrick Lencioni
This is NOT a post for small business, entrepreneurs or individual-innovators. For individuals, I highly recommend the work of Mr. Buckingham
For entrepreneurs and innovators, the work of Mr. Godin
But there are thousands of office towers filled with desk-bound millions. They do good work too and they deserve better in 2013. A confession: Every job I’ve had I the past 15 years, has been in an office. Even in a smaller organizations that should have been more scrappy and innovative were set up like 1950’s sitcoms ( at one the staff referred to themselves as “the girls” or the “secretarial pool” even though all were as old as my mother, which they were kind enough to remind me of, often), unproductive at the worst of times. A challenging structure at the best. This is why I read so many books about innovation, collaboration and better productivity, not everyone can be an entrepreneur so why are these books geared towards only them?! The world will always need large organizations, be it banks, charities or manufacturing – they will ALWAYS exist. I work for them because of the powerful impact they have. They and I are not going to change so who can help US?!
Patrick Lencioni, that’s who! The destroyer of dysfunction, the slayer of silos, the master of the meeting. His books are my MOST recommended when leaders of larger organizations want to fix, change and improve culture, teams and productivity.
If you haven’t read one of his books, written as fables for faster reading and better retention for the busy executive, get on it. They are to business books what cupcakes are to muffins – more Awesome. Period. But for those who know his work, Patrick has finally put together a book of strategy after writing, speaking and consulting with hundreds of teams. The Advantage is a book dedicated to organizational health. I know, it sounds hippyish but you know the toxic, unproductive, absenteeism-riddled result of unhealthy organizations; we’ve all worked in one.
So dear leader, make some time, grab a coffee. Patrick is here to help. His methods aren’t new and sexy, he doesn’t try to sell you on a new acronym ( if one more person tries to tell me about SMART goals I’m going to lose it). This books helps leadership teams to identify values and gives practical ways to achieve them, he actually summarizes many of the best methods mentioned in his previous books! Just one reason it was named bizbook of the year by 1-800-CEO-Read. Core culture change, better meetings and staff communications and a big chapter on hiring for fit are just some of the big wins this book can help with. So if you lead or manage a team in a large organization, for-profit company or social-profit charity THIS book will help you rock 2013. Special thanks and shout out to the folks at @TheArtOf and @KnightsbridgeCA for a sneak peak of this book and bringing Patrick to Canada in 2013! I know a lot of you have recently invested in a tablet – here’s Patrick talking about the book AND the new even more resource filled eBook version!
Enjoy, Paul
Paulcast: 2013 Twitter Tips
Podcast, Click Here to listen or download This post comes from a request made from several peers who often hear me say “I spend very little time on twitter” but tell me it looks like I’m online all the time. Is your goal to get on twitter and use it for business development, career advancement or awareness for your cause in 2013? Here’s my top five tips in less than 5 minutes! As I mentioned in the post, you have to decide: What kind of twitter bird are YOU? Also mentioned are three resources I really value :
- 1) A twitter for business guide from Twitter
- 2) Twitter for business from HubSpot
- 3) Lauren Dugan’s great posts on “All Twitter”
Of course, follow me on twitter to learn more! Keep in touch, I’m always at your service, thanks for reading… Paul