Nice to know peers care, the emails/tweets started Friday night….“Paul, changing jobs?!” as my work emails bounce and voicemail spills the beans. 250 people viewed my LinkedIn profile this weekend. Yikes, so I’m fessing up. Ok, yes, it’s true. I’m making a change. It certainly didn’t come easy, most people know the person I worked for was one of my career heroes. A mentor to many and in a role that few get to play in Canada with an amazing team of positive people of great talent and integrity. But because of my life mission, after helping hundreds of peers do better, do more, step into their greatness ( giving people a little nudge now and then )…the fingers started to point back in my direction. Was I standing tall, being all that my strengths make me, fulfilling the gifts many mentors had given me? I wasn’t. So, I have made a change. You’ll hear about it in a little time but first, at the urging of many helpful voices, I’m taking a break. Just a few days to recharge, rest and reset before the exciting challenge that lays ahead. Of course I’m still hosting a BIG networking while walking event Sunday August 17th in High Park in Toronto. I would love to see you there, maybe get your advice and wisdom that day. To learn more click here.
Until then I want to use this neutral moment to express my gratitude. It took me a long time to come to this decision, many people walked with me as I struggled with it. Countless mentors like ML, the peers of Seth Godin’s Krypton College (lead by Promod Sharma), the fundraiser’s coach Janice, the courageous Kimberley MacKenzie and the many ladies of #TweetCottage . My many mentors both experienced and future leaders. And of course the authors of the many books that I use to inspire others and MOST of all my networking MVP’s, the Golden Crabs.
When you hear the news, you’re going to say “this is a good fit” – indeed my entire career has been leading up to this role. I talk a lot of smack about servant leadership and being at the service of this sector. I will soon get a chance to walk that talk and put my life where my mouth has been when speaking at conferences, in blog posts, industry articles and tweets. Until then, I’ll be hugging my kids, meeting with some of you, listening a lot. Being in silence ( can I even do that?! ). If you’re reading this you’re probably one of the people that got me here. Before I celebrate getting anywhere I want to take a moment, in humility and great gratitude to say. THANK YOU I’m known as the connector because of my network (that’s you). You make me everything I am and I am so grateful. See you soon, Paul.
Congratulations Paul! Leaping from a job takes courage. Best wishes!
Well done Paul. There is no doubt that you will continue to be very successful in everything you do. You are a gift to the sector and I'm very grateful to have you in my life. Congratulations.
That's great news Paul. Onward and upward!
Bravo, best wishes, and all blessings in your new/continuing incarnation as a servant leader!
Hey Paul, Great post! I can't wait to hear about your new role. So pleased to have met you IRL in Vancouver.
Purposefully pursuing your passion? You cannot afford not to! A heartfelt THANK YOU.