Wouldn’t we ALL like to be mentally stronger in 2014?! Cheryl Conner of Forbes spoke with Amy Morin about her tips from LifeHack.org – the article on tips for “Mental Strength” went crazy viral. Read the Forbes article here. As we start the New Year, maybe take a moment to consider these 5 simple tips Amy shared with Forbes in a follow up discussion. I loved them because there were some tips in there I think will really help me in 2014 so I asked my spouse ( a newly minted photoshop wizard ) to make a poster to say thanks to Amy! Here it is below, if you want a larger version, tweet me at @UinvitedU and I’ll email it to you.
The article sparked more great discussion, like here in Fast Company. Thanks for some helpful wisdom Amy and Forbes, as always, you rule. Lastly, Forbes sat down with Amy for a quick 5 minute chat about what IS ‘mental strength’ in our busy digital age (below).
Best of luck in 2014 my friends – thanks for reading! Paul
Is your career worth the investment? Make 2014 a gamechanger
There’s someone I want you to meet. Her name is Lisa Taylor and her team at Challenge Factory is changing the way Canada works. Two years ago she helped change the direction of my career. Lisa also helped me create positive impact in my sector (philanthropy) by teaching people about a career in fundraising outside the traditional channels who often don’t create ways strangers can learn about what we do. In gratitude and admiration, I named her one my networking MVP’s of 2011. I have sent dozens of people in my network, some in my family to Lisa and her team. Her work has been featured in every major national newspaper, a CBC documentary and more – check out this resource page I’ve made on the impact of her work! 2014 is on your doorstep, if you want it to be a blowout year – it’s time to contact Challenge Factory. Not sure it’s for you? Read this.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Lisa was kind enough to reach out to me and offer my network a personal discount if you are referred by me. She’s already offering one right now, this referral is ON TOP of that. Just mention my name when you call or email her team lead Cayla Allain at cayla (at) challengefactory (dot) ca or call them at 416. 721 –8494 or tweet Challenge Factory . Look, things have changed in the working world. You know this. We can’t treat our careers like ‘something that just happens’ any more because there aren’t any jobs for life. It’s time to invest in YOU and it doesn’t have to cost a lot, it costs nothing to have the discussion about where you want your career to go and is CF the right team for you. Email or call Lisa and her team TODAY. Don’t wait. Especially if you think it’s time to change sectors, her “test drive a career” programs are ground breaking. I want to thank Lisa for being an unwavering support in my work and career. For being a northstar for Canadians who want to find more than just a job. Don’t forget to sign up for Challenge Factory’s enews, or follow Challenge Factory on Twitter and LinkedIn . I leave you with some words from Lisa on finding meaning in your career. Can I be of help in 2014? Has it been a while since we talked? Let me know, January is a great time to take a walk and talk about you and where you are going.
Thanks as always for reading, keep in touch, Paul
"The Naked Man" is a terrible way to find a job. Think ahead.
Looking for a job when you need one is like looking for a parachute after you’ve jumped out of the airplane, it’s like looking for a date the morning of Valentines day, like looking for someone to kiss at 11:55pm on New Year’s Eve….you get the point. Anyone who has ever seen the very popular show “How I Met Your Mother” has heard of the move “the naked man” ( surprising someone on a date naked ) which apparently is successful two of every three tries. I know it sounds lazy and uncouth, but this is what our current interview system is. We skip the getting to know each other part and try to ‘seal the deal’ too quickly. How does this work out? Most people leave jobs because of work environments and supervisors that “don’t fit”. Well wouldn’t we know more if we took the time to get to know our potential boss and workplace? A resume read and couple of interviews is not enough time spent to get to know each other and decide to spend 8+ hours a day for the next few years. These days when I speak with hiring directors, they constantly express that they don’t want to post a mid level or senior job but they just can’t think of one or two ideal candidates let alone five to interview. And so they turn to
the decades-old horrible HR dance made MORE unbearable by the Internet which encourages people to spam-cv the world. I was helping a peer who was thinking a year out for a new position. This person is kind of a celebrity in my profession. I have heard dozens of people say “oh I’d LOVE to work for” this person or this organization. And yet very few of them has ever said hi at a conference, asked to meet for coffee, made an impression and none of them kept in touch with this person. I’m not talking about sucking up here. I’m talking about thinking ahead… My magic three steps:
1. Say hello at a conference or networking event
2. Follow up with a note, then connect on LinkedIn
3. Have coffee twice a year and use email/social media to keep in touch That’s it!!! In the end this person is going to have to do way too much work to meet the right people….and so they’ve turned to the HR dance when this job could have gone to someone with true passion for the leader and the role. So dear network, lets get to work. In 2014 I know you’re thinking about a change. Think about that top five list of leaders, employers, companies, charities and lets get networking! It’s holiday networking season, get thee to events! Step one is NOW. A great job move takes six months to a year to cultivate, it’s your whole life! Start today..
In the mean time, here are some great networking tips for the holidays from the Wall St. Journal. Enjoy! Paul Nazareth