June 12 2012 – Celebrating CharityVillage!

2 years ago CharityVillage.com hit 15 years on the interwebs

And we gathered to fete this milestone

Now, 2 years later, not satisfied to rest on their laurels they have re-launched Canada’s charity and social-profit supersite in a 2.0 format – Digital blood, sweat and tears went into this and a bunch of us want to say congrats and celebrate this accomplishment!

Yes, this is an official “Nazevent” ( thanks CA )

So that means, come to connect, network, catch-up!
It also means, NO event cost, NO registration, NO RSVP – Just bring yourself, invite a friend, be there.

Although this is an “unofficial” event, several CV celebrities will be present – so exciting as I’m a life-long fan of their work and efforts to help the sector do our best.

BUT WAIT! There’s more! 

We have two awesome events happening in town that day. If you haven’t registered for Canada Helps’ “My Charity Connects” conferencedo it now! They have sold out three years running and continue to host fantastic speakers to help you raise more using the new technology of giving in Canada. And if you’re going, we’re the unofficial apres-party after the solid networking at the PWC Canada reception ( shout out to CSR twitter-leader James T )

We’re nearby at the awesome Hotel Ocho at Spadina, North of Queen. #MCC12 for twitteratti 

Also, in town is the Imagine Canada AGM uptown. I chose the Hotel Ocho because it’s easy by TTC, has parking nearby and is between the two events. So swing down and join your peers for the ultimate summer networking event kickoff!

Spread the word – @charityvillage celebration ( hashtag #CV12 for the twitter-brigade ) June 12, 2012 at 6:30pm

As always, bring business/contact cards or I will tase you.

Also, if you’re one of these “should I come out” types the bottom line is this. I, Paul Nazareth bother you a lot. On LinkedIn, twitter and in person – I do so because my mission is to help you get what you want out of work and life. My mission is to serve you – here’s a chance for me to use this network I’ve amassed, this “army of the passionate” as I refer to you – to do just that! Hold me to my promise…

Life is good? Come out and raise a glass. Help another.
Not so good? Have a drink with peers who get you. Be helped!
Need a new job? I got the hook up.
Want to hire the best? They’re on the guest list.
Want to enter this awesome sector? BE THERE.

As always, surprises, prizes and I have a few more of those awesome LinkedIn workbooks around too..

See you….at the Ocho.


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