#AFPCongress is THE biggest/best fundraising conference in Canada. If it was a dude, he’d look like this: It has evolved into a powerful sharing of ideas, thus the aptly named 2012 theme, “collaboration”. But I have a beef with many conferences. You’re running from session to session trying to fit in food and bio-breaks, maybe a conversation here or there. For many folks,it’s hard to network. So for the past few years I’ve been hosting a dinner the first night so delegates and AFP members in town alike can meet, share ideas and spend some time actually getting to know each other.
You can’t collaborate if you don’t know each other and have a basic relationship built, let’s build some! SO! We’re going to meet at 6pm at the registration table at Congress, the Metro Toronto Convention Center North
We’ll be dining only steps from the Convention Centre at the only quiet restaurant nearby at 6:45p, Baton Rouge ( 277 Front St & John St., at the foot of the CN Tower )… we’ll be live tweeting if you want to catch up with us, just follow me at @UinvitedU or the hashtag #AFPCongress Out of towners and first timers, we’re especially looking to see you. Young professionals who have no budget to attend Congress, this is how to get a glimpse of the pageantry, the awesomeness and be inspired to fight to get there, like I once did. All are welcome, NO RSVP. Just be there. Also, the great folks at CharityVillage.com have let me
know they’ll be giving away a free membership to their new nonprofit professional network at the event! Thanks as always CV, I’m looking forward to hearing how the new platform is helping the sector and those who work in it! Also, if you’re feeling adventurous, my great peer @EmmaLewzey is running another dinner at an Indian restaurant uptown at Banjara ( details here ). So, here are some pre-conference networking tips to get you ready. And, heck, with plenary’s like Don’s Jazz (link) and Tony’s Theatre (below) there will be lots to talk about! See you there, Paul