A big thanks to the many people who came out this summer to my two networking while walking ( also known as ‘netwalking’ ) events. I’ve shared the benefits of this very popular networking style that I’ve adopted myself for the past year or so. Something I do about 3 days a week with individuals for my own personal business networking. But bringing together a group is something kind of magical – and I think we can all agree the w
orld could use a little more magic these days. A little more positive energy. A little more light in our lives. And so I reach out, to my network, these days through platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to strangers too, open invite so people come only when they feel they are ready. A networking philosophy of mine. Park of this magic is the fresh faces it adds to our collective networks. Although I’ll add that these aren’t really strangers. Today’s social networking strategy means most people will come out because they are aligned with your b
usiness, sector or career philosophy and have decided it’s time to meet in person. I’m finding in fact in several cases my open netwalks are drawing out contacts who don’t have time to meet me one on one but are curious at the idea ( introverts find this structure approachable ). You’ll note there is always one or more Golden Crabs ( my personal networking MVP’s ) at these events. Getting out there is why these people are the best in my network. The two I held this summer we just the kind of events I was hoping for. Sure they were fun but I’m viciously clear on what we are doing there, ask anyone who attends we’re not wandering around lost in the woods. No, I have talking topics, workshop exercises, networking training and the goal is clear: revenue for-profit business or more funds raised for social-profit charity.
Business connections have been made, follow up meetings have happened, revenue has been generated, people have been hired from these events, I am deeply honoured to be a part of this. So those who have attended, thank you for investing the time with me and I’m proud you’ve invested time in yourselves. Maybe you’ve heard I have a new job. Part of this role will be to cross this country serving the charity sector to help raise the bar on social profit. My new team is all about collaboration, innovation and progress – so keep your eyes out for a netwalk in your city soon! Until then, thanks for reading (see below for some insight from netwalkers) Paul
A mentor shared with me that when it comes to career planning, you can do anything but you can’t do everything. Having focus and a clear goal is key ~ Ann Rosenfield I have always tried to follow my professional passions through work or volunteering in my sector. I never thought of doing something I love with my career skills like it was art. ~ Liz Rejman ( see Seth Godin ) Stories are what make a business case or case for support touch the head and heart at the same time. Artists tell these stories best and I think I need to spend more time around them to learn to tell better stories. ~ Talking about meeting Canadian poet and writer Sonnet L’Abbe Today a Nobel Prize winning scientist shared with me that the secret to getting ideas into the world isn’t just good ideas but strong social networks – and that I have to network constantly to build them ..l blew my mind. When I turn to people at work, people in my network their advice and feedback is clouded by the baggage of our history and relationship. Today a stranger gave me honest, clear and unbiased feedback and suggestions – it’s what I needed most right now. Were you at one of the netwalks? Could you add your thoughts and comments below? Thank you! P