Sitting is the smoking of our generation. Says Nilofer Merchant, and I agree. I hang out with a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs who maintain an awesome healthy lifestyle. They don’t do it because they’re hippies, they do it to make more profit, personal or social. And I respect that. And I want that for me. And I want it for you too. I spent my childhood behind a desk in school, my entire career in cubicles and offices. I only attend meetings where everyone sits and talks in order. There is no standing, there is NEVER any standing. Whose fault is that? Mine! I chose this life and lifestyle – if change is to be, it must start with me. After all, there are so many awesome thinkers I admire and many of them insisted on walking and talking meetings. This spring, I went for a long walk with Jaime Stein on one of his #KilihikeTO walks to network and prepare to climb a mountain for #Climb4Cord to create Canada’s first “cord blood” bank. It was truly an “ah-ha” networking moment for me. Sure if sitting is the new smoking, getting up for meetings could save my life but there is also the creativity aspect. Our brains evolved not to think more, but to accommodate more complex movement – moving more helps the brain digest and create better! I know we’ve gotten so used to meetings, we often say “let’s grab a coffee” ( and I’ll still be starting at Starbucks ) but the office has evolved, so should meetings!
And of course fresh air to creativity is what they originally meant by “thinking on your feet” – which is what my favourite chef James Barber used to say. His specialty was “cooking with what we have” instead of trying to create a dish with all new ingredients. Does this sound like your office? There is no new revenue, no more budget money, no more hours in the day. So we cook with what we have and it CAN be delicious. So! Enjoy Nilofer’s great TED talk below, you’ll see me out and about for more meetings and I’ll be hosting a networking idea-walk this summer in June! Details to follow. If you’re around May 27, I hope you’ll walk on over and join me at my career event, “Fundraising Director School” until then…
Happy walking, Paul
Great Traits of Champions
Canadian champion Mark Tewksbury spoke to both my work team and my professional association this year, both loved his book which I have to share. I love the target reader: For “Achievers, leaders and legacy leavers” In my career I found that great sellers, make bad managers. Great fundraisers made bad leaders just like great athletes often make bad coaches. Mark had to go from Olympic Gold to leading a team, to representing his country.
A confession, I’m NOT a sports guy. I don’t like advice from sports people or the pumped up ideas of Type-A excellence. This book goes beyond inspiration and pumping up, this is a quality workbook that encourages you to think, reflect, make a plan then act. Breaking down the traits of leadership into key concept, how to do it well, critical takeaways, a self assessment moment and tips to make it practical so you can do something with what you’ve learned is what makes this book so valuable! For those who want to develop their brand, learn how to lead, motivate and manage teams in an authentic way from a place of personal values. This book is for you!
A final note, during his talk at our conference Mark made a heartfelt pitch and plug for Twitter. As lead of our conference Twitter team I was on top of the world and want to personally thank you Mark for sharing your story of how this medium allowed you to connect as a leader to your team, and the country you represented. Follow the team and enjoy this quick talk by Mark and Debbie, as always, thank for reading!
Fundraising Director School May 27
Many people know that I try to help fundraising peers who are skilled and passionate, get ahead in career and life. But there comes a point, where you hit a wall. Because you can’t learn more, or don’t know what you need to learn. Or no one will let you be more where you are. AFP Fundraising Day in Toronto is coming up. Many people will get a chance to reconnect with mentors at this important event, maybe you’ll meet a new mentor there…. IT’S TIME TO TAKE YOUR CAREER INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. You know that your future leads to leadership. Many great fundraisers who didn’t get any training became bad bosses. You know who I’m talking about. You don’t want to be them, but you know you could do better if you knew how to prepare over these new few years! So I’ve partnered with leaders in my network to put together an event that I hope will help you become the leader our profession, our country needs.
David Hutchinson, our host is a recruiter. Plain and simple. He will share trends where current skills are lacking that you want to hear about. Janice Cunning is a coach who helps star fundraisers do their best! She will share tips on how keep your joy and your soul. It’s not a ‘nice to have’, this is a BIG reason why Directors quit! Ahmed Nizam who helped me understand the power of a good picture will be present to help you with a professional social media headshot for LinkedIn ( now you can get rid of that photo of you from that wedding/graduation ceremony ) so you’ll feel like the leader you will soon be. And yes, I’ll be sharing some key strategy tips on personal branding for career development for the busy fundraising professional.
This will be worth the investment of your time! There is even a surprise for the first couple dozen folks to register! Come and see the new Centre for Social Innovation in Regent Park! After all, it’s your career, your future. You’re worth it right? See you in school, Paul
Exclusive inclusive social media training at #CAGP2013
It’s just hours before the CAGP National Conference. I’m crazy excited. Several peers have contacted me with the same request, “hey Paul, there is no social media training for planned giving fundraisers on the program, can we talk about it when I see you?” Now, I don’t fault the conference team, this is NOT a required job skill in 2013 for fundraisers or other professionals. But by 2014? Maybe… by 2015? Watch the video below and tell me this is a fad. Respected peers of mine continue to marvel, falsely so, at my social media prowess. It’s a trick! I tell them, I have time saving strategies! They don’t believe me, so the magician is sharing his secrets, all before breakfast.
15 minutes, free resources. Crash course. It’s about time saving, I have a full time job and a family after all. I will prove to you that you can do it. I will teach you 3 ways to make it possible in your work and life. Come to the registration booth, 7:30AM on Thursday April 18. They’ll tell you where it is ( or follow the Twitter team at #CAGP2013 ) tell others please! Non-early risers, you tell me if you want to engage at my Tuesday night event or on Wed/Thurs. I’ll make it work. You’ll always hear me say “I’m at your service”, make me prove it.
If you’re willing, I’m ready.
Bright and early. Paul
May 2 Celebration for UofT Fundraisers
Fundraising is an amazing profession, but it has an odd caveat. The real fundraisers – are invisible. Sure you run the events, you work hard to bring in the money that makes real world-changing research, education, progress … possible. But professional fundraisers know, the recognition belongs to the donors who fund the work and we need to shine the spotlight on the staff of the charity who do the work because they make ideas and hopes for change into reality. Never is that more important than during a campaign and th
e dreaded “fiscal year-end”, and you my UofT peers are right in the thick of both! For those who don’t know, I have a large UofT network, partly because I worked there and partly because I live and breath UofT. It’s where I met most of my friends, my wonderful spouse, found my career and purpose. But we’ve both been so busy we’ve kind of lost touch… so! I remember needing a drink when year-end was done. Why not ring in the fiscal new year together! And by fundraisers I mean the researchers, the admin staff the report and stewardship specialists – we like to say the word team but how often do we
party together? You’re ALL invited. Where else would we gather but the University of Toronto Faculty Club! Now networking is great but in keeping with the “New Year” theme I thought we’d start the year off with some skill building. I’m constantly learning about the future of social business. Well I recently listened to a great talk about “digital productivity”. We’ll have someone present to teach us about the power of taking our notes, digital! I’m a life-long Moleskine fan – and even they have teamed up with the uber-popular Evernote to make this pr
ogress a reality. So on May 2, think about yourself for just a moment dear fundraising colleagues. I’ve made an RSVP online for those who know they’re coming for sure. No pressure though, just drop in! Let’s help you start fiscal 2013/14 with the kind of bang in the video below!
And if you can’t make it, and I can be of any help with your career goals, let me know. I’m always at your service, Paul
Networking at CAGP 2013 Conference
Gift Planners from across the country will soon assemble in Canada’s beautiful capital region for our 20th Anniversary conference!! Many of the country’s best and brightest will soon…..wander the streets and eat dinner alone?!?!
Every year it happens, to newbies and veterans of the profession. You fly in and don’t know who’s in town and end up eating dinner alone the first night when you could be casually getting to know peers do some REAL relationship building – not the stuff done on breaks and over loud lunches at circular tables….. I’m teaming up again with fellow CAGP super-fan, Christina Attard to host not one but TWO networking events. Tuesday April 16 – I’m excited to be co-teaching the CAGP All-In-A-Day Course with the awesome Jill Nelson and the class will be full of great ideas to share with you! We’ll meet in the hotel lobby between 6 and 6:30pm and leave for dinner from there. Not sure where we’ll go, we’ll play it by ear. No RSVP, bring anyone you like ( these are NOT official events so spouses and non-delegates are welcome! Ottawa fundraisers, I’m talking to you! )
. Come late even! Ask for us at the concierge or..tweet us – Are you following the CAGP Twitter team?
@UinvitedU ( that’s me )
@GPTekkie ( that’s Christina ) are team members. The second event? Friday April 19th in the afternoon, touch base or tweet us for details as it forms….last year we had a couple dozen folks come out and it wasn’t just fun, it was on the job valuable learning!
Bottom line is, we came to connect and learn – why not have some fun too! The conference theme is after all: Creating Capital Connections ~ so let’s connect!!! Here’s a fascinating article to start the conversation – an article about the psyche of many fundraisers I know… whether you’re a type-a networking machine or an ambiverted professional you’ll meet someone who does what you do and can help you do it better – that’s why we come to this thing right? RIGHT?! Heck yes. See you there, Paul Nazareth
CAGP 2013 Conference Twitter Team
We’ve been gathering as a Gift Planning professional community for 20 years! A lot has changed since then, the technology of connecting being a big change for sure. Today, there are a lot of benefits to using Twitter at conferences. A lot of ways it can be used to add value to both attendees and sponsors. So! Delegates, sponsors, CAGP members across Canada please join myself and the team in tweeting up and around #CAGP2013 ( the official hashtag ) Not on Twitter? This is your chance to sign up, learn with your peers – I’ll be hosting a private 15 min social-media crash course Thursday morning to help ( details on Twitter of course )
- Follow the main CAGP account: @CAGP_ACPDP
- Leah Eustace @LeahEustace
- Christina Attard @GPTekkie
- Jill Nelson @Nelson_Jill
- Janice St. Denis @Jlstdenis
- Janice Correa @JLBCorrea
- Genane St. Rose @GenaneStR
- Holly Wagg @HollyWagg
- Dawn Marie Schlegel @DawnMarieS
- Renee Beneteau @ReneeBeneteau
- Amanda Stacey @EstatesLaw
- Trina Owens @TrinaOwensSK
- And Me! Paul Nazareth @UinvitedU
Also! For the first time, many of our exhibitors and sponsors are Tweeting so follow the hashtag and say thanks for making the conference possible! Be sure to follow the speakers too! Start learning the lingo here and here’s a superbasic video to get you started! See you IRL in Gatineau! Paul Nazareth
To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink
This is my first “must read of 2013”, it’s on the desks of almost every leader I know. This is a book so filled with value, I’ve read it three times in less than a month. There’s SO much here – it’s five books in one! Let’s dive in to why I feel every person in my network should read this book… 1. Sales is dead. We’re all in sales now. The internet was supposed to destroy sales. Well video did NOT kill the radio star, nor did the web kill the role of face to face sales in business. What it did was push volume sales online and make every media user a marketing machine. The customer is the buyer and the seller because they have every bit of information they need but face to face interpersonal skills are more important than ever. It’s no longer caveat emptor (buyer beware) it’s caveat venditor ( seller beware, we the customer know as much if not more than you about your own product now! ).
No one likes to be sold. Daniel references the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, like many people I had only seen this famous scene ( *Warning, crazy explicit language!!! ) but I went back and watched the whole movie. It reminds you how dark sales can be. This is the salesman that the internet killed. Good riddance. But if we’re all in sales now we could use some skill building right? That’s what the first section of this book focuses on, the new ABC’s of ‘authentic influence’. For professionals who hate the idea of sales, being of professional service is your new goal and the book lays out a perfect roadmap. Even things like body language, the concept of why adapting to the other person is something I wrote a chapter on in Mark Bowen’s book for sales professionals. Daniel mentions the huge power of asking better questions and mentions a topic I love, Solutions Focus. A special thanks Dan for the shout out to the fact that fundraising IS part of this world of influence. Nice to see social-profit tips on ‘content curation’ from Beth Kanter in the book too! 2. The rise of the Ambivert Susan Cain set 2012 on fire with “Quiet: The Power of introverts”. I spent a lot of time sharing this book last year. A thousand people in my network bought it and confessed it gave them great comfort – that they’re not “useless” because they’re not an Extrovert. But many often said to me “we’ll I’m in between the two”. Dan shares the incredible power of having a foot in both camps, and how we can be comfortable growing our strengths as “Ambiverts” ( are you one? test yourself here ). 3. “Pitching” in a web and wired world. This part of the book is almost worth the price alone! Some peers in my network are setting up pitch-nights to help each other develop how to talk about what they do in “one word” for discussion, networking, email and yes even Twitter ( bless you Dan for acknowledging that social business is a big force to be reckoned with in 2013 and beyond! ). Communicate better, dump the sales talk – focus on clarity! Powerhouse chapter, I highly recommend you watch the video below on this topic.
4. Leading with your ears. I know, everyone says “listening is important” in relationship building. But no one every say exactly why, and exactly how to do it. Dan goes deep into how to listen with your body. How to listen deeply, honestly and even learn how to improvise as part of your listening. Probably the most unique and usable business resource on this done to death topic I’ve read in a decade. 5. Servant Leadership
This is a topic close to my heart. Most people know that I live to serve others. Partly it’s an expression of my faith life but it is also my personal business mission statement. It’s a lifestyle and business strategy that defines me, Paul Nazareth. So to read about how Daniel values this as part of the new sales ‘must-have’ attitude and skill set is nice. Especially since much of my motivation is combating many of the unsustainable management styles built around fear, micromanagement and intimidation I see so often. So – I’m betting on this book. I’ve bought a dozen copies to give away during the year. I predict big things for it and highly recommend it. Four items on the sheer awesome business power of Dan & this book:
- Daniel’s interviews with best selling authors
- NPR audio interview with Dan on listening & ambiverts
- Harvard Business interview with Dan on the book
- A resource board I’ve created of articles on the book
Watch the launch below but below that is a fantastic video on “pitching”. Thanks for reading, please share this post with your network! Paul
My Twitter handle: U invited U
I often get asked “What does your twitter handle mean?” Three years ago I wrote a long version, here’s the short answer. After trying to pull people I care about, in my life and at work, to success and having to fight them, convince them of my sincerity I got tired.
It didn’t work. So I gave myself permission to do two things: 1. Be a servant. In Daniel Pink’s new book “To Sell Is Human” he shares the business power of leadership from the trenches alongside the troops, not out front or in the ivory tower. Something the great Tom Peters teaches in 3 minutes here. 2. Shut up and listen. By using better questions, another thing Dan mentions in his book. Using a wonderful strategy called “Solutions Focus” – I get to show up and just be present to listen, respond and empower solutions to meet the needs of my peers, donors and now clients. I do this at work, and over 150 mornings a year. I can’t invite you to success, it’s a party that YOU must invite YOU to. And when you are ready. I’ll be there. My whole life philosophy summed up in this brilliant TED talk by Ernesto Sirolli – it’s worth watching. ( If you have ADD, skip to 5mins )
Sharing the power of “Solutions Focus”
This is a story about the most powerful paradigm shift of my life. It was a time where I had found considerable career success, but the future was a boring linear path – defined by momentum, not intention, doing at best 40% what I loved. I was losing steam at work, angry at the 60% holding me back. I was lost in my problems, and my team was obsessed with finding blame
over winning battles. I was losing the war. Enter Alan Kay. Introducing me to the Solutions Focus truly changed every part of my life by doing three things, the focus of the method:
- Stop focusing on problems and blame
- Defining the future I most want
- List small things, practical things I could do to get there
Now, just a few years later. Let me tell you, I have EVERYTHING I wanted when I defined that future. And the method is simple. Looking at my original picture from my notes – you can see
. This is not rocket science. Alan is even featured in the international 2nd Edition, out soon. Alan has helped countless peers, organizations and businesses in my network since then. He has a special place in his heart ( and work ) for charities and social-profit organizations. The applications are numerous. A fundraising Director peer of mine has used it for work, career and loves Alan’s special set of SF interview questions. Canada’s “house doctor” Dr.
Brian Goldman describes in this 2 minute video what Alan has done for him ( identical to my experience ). Most importantly, instead of promoting the use of the method, Alan has written a more practical ( and faster reading ) book to apply SF to your work. I highly recommend it, I highly recommend you call Alan if you’re looking to turnaround a business, a team, a life.
A massive business read in 2013 is Dan Pink’s “To Sell is Human” in which he cites Solution Focus authors Dan & Chip in helping smart business professionals to ask better questions. Another big benefit of SF. Alan turned improved the quality of my life around so much I even created a personal networking MVP award, and he was one of the first winner. So, follow Alan on Twitter, another great source for SF learning is his international peer Coert Visser at @DoingWhatWorks. Here’s Alan and I talking about my experience with SF ( um ok, I’ve lost a little weight recently, not until I watched this video did I realize, I have to downsize my suits. Please join my wife in laughing at me) and below that a quick primer on Solutions Focus – I hope it’s as helpful to you as it was me! Paul