Fundraising is an amazing profession, but it has an odd caveat. The real fundraisers – are invisible. Sure you run the events, you work hard to bring in the money that makes real world-changing research, education, progress … possible. But professional fundraisers know, the recognition belongs to the donors who fund the work and we need to shine the spotlight on the staff of the charity who do the work because they make ideas and hopes for change into reality. Never is that more important than during a campaign and th
e dreaded “fiscal year-end”, and you my UofT peers are right in the thick of both! For those who don’t know, I have a large UofT network, partly because I worked there and partly because I live and breath UofT. It’s where I met most of my friends, my wonderful spouse, found my career and purpose. But we’ve both been so busy we’ve kind of lost touch… so! I remember needing a drink when year-end was done. Why not ring in the fiscal new year together! And by fundraisers I mean the researchers, the admin staff the report and stewardship specialists – we like to say the word team but how often do we
party together? You’re ALL invited. Where else would we gather but the University of Toronto Faculty Club! Now networking is great but in keeping with the “New Year” theme I thought we’d start the year off with some skill building. I’m constantly learning about the future of social business. Well I recently listened to a great talk about “digital productivity”. We’ll have someone present to teach us about the power of taking our notes, digital! I’m a life-long Moleskine fan – and even they have teamed up with the uber-popular Evernote to make this pr
ogress a reality. So on May 2, think about yourself for just a moment dear fundraising colleagues. I’ve made an RSVP online for those who know they’re coming for sure. No pressure though, just drop in! Let’s help you start fiscal 2013/14 with the kind of bang in the video below!
And if you can’t make it, and I can be of any help with your career goals, let me know. I’m always at your service, Paul