Connectworking. Generosity Education. Adventures in Networking!
Networking is my passion. Join me on my adventures to meet new people, learn through their wisdom and improve our lives together.
The integrity of Scott Stratten to update and revise his book simply astounds me.
Here’s my previous post on why this book ALREADY ruled.
Frankly. The book was still one of the leading voices and still my number one most recommended to understand the what, the why and the tone of business + social media.
The cycle wasn’t over, the book wasn’t overly stale.
There was money left to squeeze Scott.
Scott does a lot of talk about authenticity in the book.
He walked that talk with his actions not his words.
I tip my hat to you sir. ( and tweet it too )
And I’ll share your message every chance I get.
Enjoy a damn good updated talk by Scott below…
I don’t often ask readers to buy books but for $20 you’ll help this cause AND yourself. Talk about a win-win.
One of the last of Seth Godin’s Domino Project publications this book is insanely packed with high-value ideas from 62 business authors you probably know and love.
A 1 minute video on the book:
I love that Michael Bungay Stanier even wrote a thoughtful reflection on “Working at the Speed of Seth” and even put a FREE podcast featuring all authors online.
Why did this book appeal to me? LOOK at this author list!!!
Now, I read it flying to a conference. For the business traveler I think this is the perfect thought-instigator to read in transit. Me personally, it hit at that moment when you’re between the clouds – above operations, below pie-in-the-sky ideas: Where ideas about how to improve your real work world can happen
Some items I found invaluable:
This book helps you think and rethink every aspect of business life but to me the value is in helping you:
1) Deal with problems you face now
2) Cultivating your own and team excellence
3) Creating a practical but better future
I also have a whole new list of great authors added to my twitter feed that are now rocking my daily world!
If you’re a @Strombo fan from CBC he featured the book on his program and Seth today too – enjoy!
So TODAY ( and on April 25th especially ) buy and enjoy this book.
Congrats to the team on the latest award too!
Ending Malaria is what you’ll do for the world.
Creating power in your world is what you’ll do for you.
Patrick Lencioni is one of my all time favourite business
book authors because of how he uses the fable format. It makes for a
more readable book, more memorable lessons because you are discussing
theory AND case studies at the same time – powerful.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
is one of his global best sellers because it addresses the real
challenges that teams face in the office and comes up with solutions I
know work as I now know over 10 teams who have used it to solve issues
and boost productivity. I’m a fan of the audio book.
Lastly a quick plug for the thoughts from a peer I trust greatly, Promod Sharma. An Actuary turned blogger and media expert, Trust is the topic of his 2012. Enjoy!
Bonus. Two quick great video’s on the books!
Just a few more sleeps until the national CAGP conference!
A quick note for any twitter users attending, we have an official twitter-team to help guide and engage during our time together! We are:
Myself, Paul Nazareth @UinvitedU
Leah Eustace @LeahEustace
Christina Attard @GPTekkie
Kate Lazier @CharityLawCan
Trina Owens @towens0315
Samantha Laprade @gryphonreport
Amanda Stacey @EstatesLaw
Don’t forget to write your handle on your nametage when you get it!!!
The conference account is @CAGP2012
Most importantly the Hashtag is #CAGP2012
Now, I’m not going to lie and pretend this was my idea. No our resident social media expert Leah Eustace lead a huge team this past year with our peers at AFP, here is her valuable post
The chance to engage, network, meet up, help each other using twitter is amazing, a new benefit I’ve just started using this past year. Why not join us and create a twitter account today and tweet with us at #CAGP2012 !
Hope this is a helpful video to get you started!! See you in Victoria!
Gift Planners from across the country will soon assemble in beautiful Victoria British Columbia!
Many of the country’s best and brightest will soon…..wander the streets and eat dinner alone?!?!
Didn’t anyone listen to Keith Ferrazzi?
Every year it happens, to newbies and grizzled veterans of the conference. You fly in and don’t know who’s in town and end up eating dinner alone the first night when you could be casually getting to know peers do some REAL relationship building – not the stuff done on breaks and over loud lunches at circular tables…..
Something I’ve done a number of years in a row… this year I’ve teamed up with fellow CAGP super-fan, Christina Attard to host not one but TWO networking events.
Tuesday April 17 – We’ll meet in the lobby of the Fairmont Empress
between 6:30pm and 7:00pm
Leave for dinner from there
No RSVP, bring anyone you like ( spouses too! )
It’s a tweet-up too!
@UinvitedU ( that’s me )
@GPTekkie ( that’s Christina )
Please use the hashtag #CAGP2012 ( for this event and the conference )
The second event? Friday April 20th – but it’s a secret …for now….( I may or may not be wearing the lobster claws from the 2007 conference ) *insert mysterious sound here*
Bottom line is, we came to connect and learn – why not have some fun too!
The conference theme is after all:
Explore. Dream. Discover ~ All things that are boring and unproductive alone right?
Whether you’re a type-a networking machine or a “thinking-class” strategist you’ll meet someone who does what you do and can help you do it better – that’s why we come to this thing right?
See you there, Paul
What a ride at Stephen Thomas’
Young Nonprofit Professionals last week!
My first talk of this format, I’m still a little rough around the edges you be the judge – the talk is only 10 mins, would love some feedback/coaching
The topic? Managing Brand You,
Tips on How to Harness Your Superpowers
One thing I think didn’t come across was – why did I throw my tie?
Many people know me as “the suit guy“. I’ve been in a suit since I was 19. It wasn’t part of the uniform but yes, I even wore ties in High School.
A confession:
It’s my professional armour
And as much as that serves and gives me power on the “job” the time has come for me to engage in a more vulnerable way.
Spending time with consultants and creative types who dress with style and not by uniform – who dress to express – has created the desire to be that guy more often.
So! If you see me outside of work, help me “BE” the authentic aspiration I am encouraging others to be and – toss the tie.
What’s your tie? Find out, check out some of the resources I recommended in the video, books and otherwise.
And as always, if I can be of help, connect.
It’s not a catchphrase it’s my way of life:
I am at your service.
ps. Thanks again Stephen Thomas crew for the opportunity. If YOU want to be a part of this safe space of growth and challenge, connect with ST online and at my beloved LinkedIn too!