Alert! I have a new 2012 update to this post here.
I know. This post is long overdue.
The networking enthusiast not sharing books on connecting.
So here we go! My top seven ( kind of )
My number one, the g o-to book is “Work the Pond” because:
– It’s all about the social science of connecting
– It ‘s the most approachable of all the books
– Canadian culture content (90% networking books are American)
I have personally bought over 50 copies over the years to give away.
2) Business cards to business relationships
– Another Canadian author, more business focused
– Goes back to the basics of business networking
– Every business person should own this book
3) Susan RoAne has written a dozen + books, 7 best sellers on
the topic of networking. She tackles every subject from the mind to manner to application – I count her as the international champion of connection! Pick one that works for you!
4) Smart Networking – This book is not just great and very strategic (includes how to make a long and short term networking plan ) it’s a quick read.
– If you’re looking for a job pronto, buy this book
– If you work a lot and don’t have time, buy this book
5) I call them the dynamic duo. Keith Ferrazzi’s international b
est seller “Never Eat Alone” and his confession/apology and solid follow up “Whose got your back” – together they make the best business read on networking that I can actually say was as much enjoyment as it was work. Best read on how to network in social settings and how to create your own networking board!
6) As the flying lizards once said “Money, that’s what I want”. If money’s your bag – rainmaking is your task and this book was like a football playbook. So strategic, so methodical, it was referred to me by a lawyer and I consult it often. (speaking of football I wrote a whole post on a football fan queen of “connecting” , don’t miss it )
7) INTROVERTS. I know you have suffered under the tyranny of “Type A” jerks your whole career. This book will help you survive and maybe…thrive
Now, I’ve personally read over 50 books on networking and the science of connecting, this blog was born out of books like:
– Fascinate
– Convince them in 90 seconds
– The Connectors
– Turn small talk into big deals
– Enchantment
– Winning Body Language
And many more….
I’m not trying to make any money, I just want to help people connect and find their passionate success instead of another soul crushing 9 – 5 job.
Please forward, stumbleupon, retweet, whatever
– just share.
And as always, I’m at your service
Ps. If you want to keep networking ideas fresh without reading a lot of books subscribe to my favourite author’s FREE weekly tips!
Thankfulness to my dad who informed me relating to this blog, this website is really amazing.referrals
I consume books at odd times – on the rooftop, couch, bed, plane. On the subway, with my iPad, all inconspicuously conspicuous. Almost always in short bursts rather than long hauls. good book to read on start up
I have got the superb information from these blogs finally.
I Spy You
This short article posted only at the web site is truly good.
Great blog! At this time, many books are already written about Business Networking but in your blogs, you chose the most important and useful books that we must read. Business networking is great for sharing thoughts and knowledge to the entrepreneurs. To them we are getting much idea to grow our business in success. Even though it’s asking for feedback or discussing our point of view, it will help us to expand our knowledge and allow us to see things from another perspective. I know your blogs are important to read because you have shared the books to become more successful. If we read all you have shared, maybe we get a lot of information on how we do it right and maintain the good guideline of our business.
I am hoping to read all the books you have shared. Thanks for your idea about this. It’s quite interesting. If you want to become a smart in business networking, just click the link below and you will learn more brilliant ideas.
Clwyd Probert @ Business Networking in London